Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Preliminary Task

We filmed the preliminary task using in camera editing
 Today, I made a prliminary task with Jon Champion Abi Davis-Fletcher, and Nicola Ho. The task was to create short film involving two characters. one was to open a door and then to engage in a few lines of dialogue. All of this was to be filmed using in camera editing.
The filming went smoothly other than one mistake where Jon accidentally knocked the camera. however the final piece went very well.

Although we believed that the film would be acceptible, we had to redo the process as the film did not fully fit the instructions that were given. We then used the story board that Jon and myself made (involving the doctor and patient scenario) with little twaks to the filming. At the end of it all, I believe that we did a good job and Mr Mayers seemed impressed.

This week we will also begin the process of making our film opening, Jon  is going to start the script writing for our thriller.

Pictures of our filming will be posted later.

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