Friday, 7 October 2011

Friday, 7 October 2011Action plan

The project that I am doing is a Thriller film with Jon Champion we will be filming the opening two to three minutes of the film.

Week one
The two of us will discuss the nature of the film, and will decide on story line and characters. myself and Jon have agreed that Jon will write the script, and I will read throiugh it and we will suggest changes. After this i will begin to scout for suitable locations which will be appropriate.

Week Two
The script will be finished and then we will look for the right people to play our characters. I believe that this process will take a long time to complete.

Week Three
I will finish finding the locations that we will need. After this we will create our institutional logo and decide the fonts and colours of the credits. The title will also be finalised, one wich Jon and myself are happy that will contain the ideologies of the genre.

Week Four
At the beginning of the week, we will review what we have done so far and make any neccesary changes.
The end of the week will be when we start our filming.

Week Five
We will continue our film, making sure that all of the conventions are used whilst making it as original as possible. this may be spread out over time considering the commitments and availability of the actors.

Week Six
We believe that we will finish the filming by the end of this week. However this may not be possible, and we will allow ourselves part of the next week so that we can complaete any unfinished filming. This will allow us plenty of time for editing.

Week Seven
We will begin the final editing process by choosing the correct shots, and putting them together. This will take a huge amount of time, so we will allow ourselves plenty of time to complete this.

Week Eight
Whilst continuing the final editing, Jon and I will start a side project which will be advertising the film on various social networking sites particularly Twitter and Facebook. Also we will show our teacher the opening and then respond to what he thinks will improve it in the next week.

Week Nine
The editing should be finished by this stage, and we can then concentrate on the advertising, I will design some posters and Jon will dictate the conventions that are needed.

Week Ten
We will present the work to our classmates and the teacher.

Jon and I are willing to make the commitment for this film, and will work to 100% of our ability.

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