Wednesday, 19 October 2011

This Logo is a design that I created when we were deciding on what we are to use as our institutional logo, we changed it because the knife was not relevant to the script that we are using. we however thought that the name was good.

This is the final logo design. after scrapping the knife, we used a pistol. Jon came up with an idea that we use the name Trigger Street. aAfter some debate, we decided that Trigger Street would work well with the storyline, and the changes were made. 
This final logo to a long time to create, we were constantly changing our ideas of what we were to do. However, we are now happy that the logo we have chosen will have it's desired effect, and that it follows the conventions that are required for the thriller film.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Analysis of The opening of Iron Man

  • Establishing shot is a wide shot of the desert and mountains which shows where the film is set.
  • There are many wide shots of vehicles driving on an isolated road this could be used to show that they are alone where they are which adds a sense of expectation as to what will happen next.
  • The camera originally follows the movements of the jeeps.
  • It then cuts to a shot that looks down on the jeeps which suggests that they are not as powerful as they would normally be considered to be.
  • Medium close ups of the characters depict emotions and expressions, as well as showing uniform and in Tony Stark’s case his expensive suit
  • As well as this during the explosion/battle scenes the camera shakes in time with explosions to make it seem as if the viewer is there
  • Tony Stark wears sunglasses and an expensive suit which shows his status
  • He also has an iced alcoholic drink that shows he is treated like a VIP by the servicemen
  • The armoured vehicles represent that there could be danger and hint at what could happen next.
  • The soldiers have a camera and want Stark’s picture which shows that he is famous.
  • The film’s first shot fades in
  • The cuts are smooth and the film is in real time
  • Credits are placed so that they do not get in the way of the action, these credits are shown in wide shots so that they are out of the way
  • There is no need for extra lighting as the opening scenes are shot in location
  • All of the sound is non-diegetic, the music is revealed to be from a boom box
  • The sound of the ice clinking in Stark’s drink represents the awkwardness between him and the other characters.
  • The explosion is timed with the end of the music.
  • The music is backing black by ACDC the genre of music is often used in action adventure films
  • Gunshots are muffled as the focus is on Stark’s reaction and because he is still in the armoured vehicle.

Monday 17th October

Today, I read Jon's Script, and helped him with any changes. This week, I will start looking for locations that can be used in accordance to Jon's Script.
Also, we are attempting to create an institutional logo using wordle, having settled on the title "Jon Conor Productions" ( in a referance to the Terminator films).
Here is my first draft of our film logo:

Thursday, 13 October 2011

1: A ¾ shot featuring the character walking to the door

2: Extreme close up of hand opening door

3: Mid Shot of character walking through the door

4: Over the shoulder shot of Character 1 (doctor) looking at Character 2 (patient)

5: Reverse over the shoulder shot showing Character 2’s point of view

6: Two shot of the two characters whilst exchanging dialogue

7:  Close up of Character 1 gives news

8: Close up that shows character 2’s reaction to the news

The photos from the Preliminary exercise with Jon, Abi, and Nicola

Jon Preparing to film me walking through the door

The shoot

Jon films close up of my hand turning the door handle

Walking through the door

Getting ready for the shot of me closing the door

Filming me closing the door

Conversation with Abi

Abi gets given the bad news

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Preliminary Task

We filmed the preliminary task using in camera editing
 Today, I made a prliminary task with Jon Champion Abi Davis-Fletcher, and Nicola Ho. The task was to create short film involving two characters. one was to open a door and then to engage in a few lines of dialogue. All of this was to be filmed using in camera editing.
The filming went smoothly other than one mistake where Jon accidentally knocked the camera. however the final piece went very well.

Although we believed that the film would be acceptible, we had to redo the process as the film did not fully fit the instructions that were given. We then used the story board that Jon and myself made (involving the doctor and patient scenario) with little twaks to the filming. At the end of it all, I believe that we did a good job and Mr Mayers seemed impressed.

This week we will also begin the process of making our film opening, Jon  is going to start the script writing for our thriller.

Pictures of our filming will be posted later.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Preliminary Continuity Exercise

Today, Jon and I have been creating the story board for the Continuity idea, as well as discussing our ideas for dialogue and the characters.
The idea is that we will have a doctor (Me) and patient (Jon).
We will share the filming responsibilities. Jon will film my Character and I his. We will use a tripod when we are both in the shot so that there will be more stability.
The film will involve some experimenting with camera angles, such as reverse angles. I have never filmed before and believe that this will be an exciting challenge.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Friday, 7 October 2011Action plan

The project that I am doing is a Thriller film with Jon Champion we will be filming the opening two to three minutes of the film.

Week one
The two of us will discuss the nature of the film, and will decide on story line and characters. myself and Jon have agreed that Jon will write the script, and I will read throiugh it and we will suggest changes. After this i will begin to scout for suitable locations which will be appropriate.

Week Two
The script will be finished and then we will look for the right people to play our characters. I believe that this process will take a long time to complete.

Week Three
I will finish finding the locations that we will need. After this we will create our institutional logo and decide the fonts and colours of the credits. The title will also be finalised, one wich Jon and myself are happy that will contain the ideologies of the genre.

Week Four
At the beginning of the week, we will review what we have done so far and make any neccesary changes.
The end of the week will be when we start our filming.

Week Five
We will continue our film, making sure that all of the conventions are used whilst making it as original as possible. this may be spread out over time considering the commitments and availability of the actors.

Week Six
We believe that we will finish the filming by the end of this week. However this may not be possible, and we will allow ourselves part of the next week so that we can complaete any unfinished filming. This will allow us plenty of time for editing.

Week Seven
We will begin the final editing process by choosing the correct shots, and putting them together. This will take a huge amount of time, so we will allow ourselves plenty of time to complete this.

Week Eight
Whilst continuing the final editing, Jon and I will start a side project which will be advertising the film on various social networking sites particularly Twitter and Facebook. Also we will show our teacher the opening and then respond to what he thinks will improve it in the next week.

Week Nine
The editing should be finished by this stage, and we can then concentrate on the advertising, I will design some posters and Jon will dictate the conventions that are needed.

Week Ten
We will present the work to our classmates and the teacher.

Jon and I are willing to make the commitment for this film, and will work to 100% of our ability.