Today the class was given some helpful advice on using camcorders. Mr Mayers taught us about focusing on certain things in the shot, to develop sense of mystery.
Also, we were taught about balancing colour's using the white colour balancing tool on the settings menu.
He, has mentioned how to drown out sounds that we don't want to hear, and the use of microphones to make the speech clearer.
This as a result, has made me set targets for our production. my personal aims are too make sure that the settings are exactly what is needed, and I also want to make sure that there are no sounds that distract the sounds that we want to hear from the audience's attention. To do this, I will be borrowing some microphones, so that I can achieve what I want.
The group target is to experiment with the camera settings, and editing processes in order to achieve the desired effects. We want our film to look as professional as possible.
Great, find some good screenshot examples of the look that you are trying to replicate (think mise-en-scene).