Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Filming Friday 2nd December

On Friday, Jon and I will be filming the scene in his house, which will involve both Chris and Abi.
This will be the last filming that we will do, and will be of James waking up, and attempting to sneak out of the house. He is then confronted by Katherine, but still leaves the house.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

On Friday 25th November, Jon and I filmed a section of our filming. this was all done in St Agnells lane, right by the school. We filmed the part where james walks to where he meets his contact, exchanges conversation with him and then gets killed. for this, we required Chris to play james, he was very co-operative, and patient. Along the way we had several laughs, but the filming was completed, with almost every shot completed to an excellent standard in the first take.

The day didn't start off brilliantly as Jon forgot to put the tape in the camera, and it took us a surprisingly long time (being teenage boys) to realize what the flashing red light was. After that was sorted, the filming went smoothly.  Jon and I made some slight improvised adjustments to the shots that were listed on the storyboard, however, we both believe that the shots were better than what we had decided originally. at the end of the filming, we created a few out-takes, although some of them were not planned at all. 

I filmed the first few shots, and Jon filmed the shots in which i was involved in as my character.

A Big thanks to Chris for taking the time out to film with us weirdoes.

Heres some pictures Jon took:
Not sure why I'm embarrassed to be holding a tripod

Yes that is me

Chris's BB Gun Ironic that he was killed with his own weapon

Chris isn't quite sure what he is doing here

Jon obviously knew how to push Chris over the edge

He was supposed to have stopped by now

The tunnel where Chris gets Shot

The website lied about the Tunnels Five star facilities

A Deer in the headlights - apparently

The Camera we used

Chris finally throws his rubbish away

Chris is starting to get annoyed at squirrels throwing conkers at him.
A fence

Searching for the right Shot

Friday, 25 November 2011

Filming Today

Jon, Chris and I will be meeting up at one o'clock today in order to film the scenes in which James Stone (Chris Osborne) meets with his contact (me) and gets shot.
Today, we will need the film camera, a tripod, and a microphone in order to distinguish the voices of the characters from any background noises.
The props required will be the envelope, a briefcase, and also the bb gun.
In editing Jon and i will find a more realistic sound than what a BB gun makes.

There may be some health and safety issues with the location, obviously, alleyways are not the most forgiving of places, as there may be broken glass, and other such vandalism. Jon and I are careful with our choices of locations, so hopefully, the alley we choose will be without such obstacles.

The New Media Pages (Facebook and Twitter)

These pages were made by Jon, and will update people about the goings on of the production of the film opening. also, a video of the final piece will be posted online. Pages on Facebook and Twitter are great ways of raising awareness of things such as films. For example films such as Inception have Twitter and Facebook pages.
Inception Twitter Page

Inception Facebook page

The Meeting AS Media Facebook Group

The Meeting Twitter page

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Character Clothing and props

James Stone

James wakes in the morning wearing plain white bed wear, consisting of a white t-shirt and shorts.
He will change into a suit, for his meeting with his contact.
James' Night shirt

James's Suit (tie does not necessarily need to be that colour)

Katherine Stone

Katherine will only be seen in a dressing gown, for when she confronts James in the living room and kitchen.
Katherine's Dressing gown

Hooded figure

The contact who James is meeting will wear black hooded clothing, and have the hood up in an attempt to look inconspicuous.
Hoodie for James's contact


Not many props are required, although the few there are are important for the believability of the film's opening.
For James, we will need a briefcase, which he will take to the contact, in order to conceal the documents. 

The hooded contact will be in possession of an envelope, which will "contain"
 secret documents. this he holds out to James to distract him.
Hidden behind the contact's back will be a gun, which he uses to shoot James. Obviously, we will not have real pistol, (it's against the law in most countries, and relocate to Brazil just for the shoot would just be expensive) the gun we will use is Jon's BB pistol.

It's really obvious that it's not real

Monday, 14 November 2011

Character Profiles: The Meeting

James Stone

The Protagonist in this Story is a 29 year old administration manager, who looses his job, as the company falls into administration. As a result, he finds himself juggling his finances. An old friend from his secondary school introduces him to The Company. James's job is to deliver top secret documents government information.
When an important meeting gets ambushed by gunmen, James's wife; Katherine discovers what he is really doing, and tells him to remove his ties with the Company. However, the lack of income forces James into returning to the Company who offers him one last job which will pay him £100,000. Despite Katherine's pleas, James goes to the Meeting point ,where he is shot.

Played by: Chris Osborne

Katherine Stone

Katherine Stone is 28 years old, she is the wife of James Stone. Throughout the Film; katherine is strongly against James's connections with The Company. 
She always looks out for the best interests of her husband, and believes that the company will be the end of him. 

Played by: Abi Davis-Fletcher

Mysterious Hooded Figure

Nothing is known about the identity of this man. 
He works for The Company, and is the man who kills James.

Played by: Conor Willis (Me!)

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Meeting: Cast Members

Chris Osborne 

Age: 16
Character: James Stone

It was my idea to choose Chris as James Stone, because he is a Drama student, and myself, and Jon believe that he will revel in the role of the Hero. An ideal cast member because he has a large build in height which would be effective in conveying the idea that he can't be afraid of his work. His looks are also similar to Abi's and so, the chemistry between James and Katherine will not seem unusual

Abi Davis Fletcher

Age: 16
Character: Katherine Stone.

Abi is an ideal actor for this role as she as fantastic acting skills and although we are not being assessed on acting, it will definately help in demonstrating Katherine's raw emotions and how strong she feels for James. Jon and I worked with Abi in the preliminary exercise where she demonstrated a strong media knowledge, as well as the ability to potray emotions. Any ideas that she would be willing to express will be hugely valuable to the production process.

Conor Willis (Me!)

Age: 16
Character: Hooded Figure

I am playing the role of Hooded Figure because of my height which will convey the immense authority that the character has. My voice is also very deep and will add an eery quality to the role, my hair is an ideal length for hiding the majority of my face which will ad mystery to the role, and is necessary for using the enigma code. I am very enthusiastic about the role and am excited to step into the shoes of a villain, I think that Villains are much better to be than heroes.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Wednesday 9th November

Today the class was given some helpful advice on using camcorders. Mr Mayers taught us about focusing on certain things in the shot, to develop sense of mystery.
Also, we were taught about balancing colour's using the white colour balancing tool on the settings menu.
He, has mentioned how to drown out sounds that we don't want to hear, and the use of microphones to make the speech clearer.

This as a result, has made me set targets for our production. my personal aims are too make sure that the settings are exactly what is needed, and I also want to make sure that there are no sounds that distract the sounds that we want to hear from the audience's attention. To do this, I will be borrowing some microphones, so that I can achieve what I want.

The group target is to experiment with the camera settings, and editing processes in order to achieve the desired effects. We want our film to look as professional as possible.

Me talking about the Script

Sorry it's a bit late

Questionnaire and Results

The Questionnaire

The Script Zoom in for a clearer picture

The Meeting

Monday, 7 November 2011


I created This Story Board based on the script that Jon wrote. I believe that it works well with what he has written for me to use.

Shot 1: Extreme close up -  alarm clock ringing, a hand emerges and turns it off.
Shot 2: Medium two shot  - James looking down at Katherine, he then gets out of bed
Shot 3: Medium Long Shot -  James puts on suit jacket and picks up briefcase and makes to go out of the door
Shot 4: Over the Shoulder Shot - Katherine confronts James about what he is going to do  

Shot 5: Reverse Over the shoulder shot - katherine and James talking
Shot 6: Long shot - James walking away and slamming the door
Shot 7: Medium Shot - James walking down the street
Shot 8: Wide Longshot - James waits at the side of the road, then crosses
Shot 9; Longshot,- figure waiting at the end of alleyway
Shot 10: Close up - Mysterious figure hides a pistol behind his back.
Shot 11: Extreme Close up of James's hand which he is holding out to collect documents
Shot 12: Point of View Shot - What James sees when he is shot, then tilting back to see the sky.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Settings

Master Bedroom where James wakes, and dresses

The Meeting room, which will be revealed later in the story

Kitchen where James and Katherine argue
Alleyway where James meets mysterious stranger
Living Room, where James dresses

Conventions commonly found in Thrilller films a la Wordle

Sorry it's a bit late